Friday, 15 May 2015

Infographic: Reading for Pleasure!

I have a long list of apps, websites and other tools that I have been wanting to try out, but have been to busy to do anything new recently. However I allowed myself some time today, (though I really shouldn't have),  to experiment with an infographic builder Piktochart. I used some information from a video I had made and a few publications on the benefits of reading for pleasure, and started off by using a template from Piktochart. I am really happy with the results and I think it looks like a very professional infographic - and it only took me twenty minutes! Piktochart also breaks up your infographics into presentations, so you can show the information in sections (click the 'Presentation Mode' button above the infographic here). I also need to experiment more with the graphs/data, because it allows you to present stats in a beautiful way!

I can see some great uses for this - we are going to get students to use it for their IB Learner Profile Superhero project. I'm also thinking of getting students to make ones about reading and their favourite books (just imagine a Harry Potter one with 'number of deaths in Harry Potter' and 'Number of Gryffindor House Points over the series!). I would also love to see a project where students present data in different ways to persuade (imagine one group acting as GreenPeace and making an infographic on pollution, and another acting as an Oil Company). 

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