Friday, 12 December 2014

Promoting our E-books

I have been working on promoting our e-books more, as they aren't very popular with our students. I've been putting a 'book of the week' in our morning notes, and choosing mostly one which is available digitally. I have also been adding mystery books to student accounts! I've been trying to show off our current collection for displays. I have printed off copies of the covers of many of our e-books and have laminated them and filled the library walls with them. I have also created iCloud photo albums showing off our collection-I have made a general album, as well as albums to compliment all the different subject areas. These also have images of the things we subscribe to, like Britannica Schools and The Day, and are also used as a platform to highlight apps and websites for that subject area. I've also made colourful images to deliver information such as 'there are French books available in the library' or 'Have you seen the newest books added to our collection? Visit RM Books!". These are put as the screensaver in every class room in the school. Both of these things have started up a lot of conversations and have helped our digital collection become more popular. Although it was a lot of work to get started, it will be easy to maintain and add to both of these things. I am hoping to also set up a student reading promotion group, where they organise events to promote reading, from author visits to raising money for various book charities, and to create more displays across the school.

Print out of some of our digital books.

I've put the Christmas theme on the slideshow!
Showing off our digital collection of books form RM Books in every class through subject specfic slideshows.

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