Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Choose Your Own Adventure - Google Forms

Inspired by the wonderful Claire's Lotriet's interactive story I decided to have a go myself. 
I've made a Plague survival story!

I had a very rough idea in my head and just scribbled down this diagram, labelling the different boxes with pages. That was it! It took me 20 seconds to scribble this down (you can probably tell) and only a little time to write the information and to source useable images. Easy peasy! If I had some more time I would have made more advanced ones, but I am just using this Plague story to show my colleagues what it can do!

I'm just finishing off a survival unit with my grade 8s, but will find a way to use this technique in another class. Some ideas that I had:

✪There are loads of moral stories you could do - possibly relating to bullying and  'doing the right thing'

✪You could create a guide for writing the perfect essay or to help students with their research skills
✪A survival story for various historical events

You could do a whole spy game using maths to get through to the winning level

Surviving school! Students could create a humorous interactive story for new students.

✪Students could do alternative stories using characters from books they like! This could be anything from The Three Little Pigs to Harry Potter!

You could do a great language one, where the story takes them to a country which speaks the language and they try and get by doing normal tasks, like going to the supermarket - you could have them select from two phrases, one being right, and one being wrong/silly. 

I can't wait to get my students to make some of these - I think they will come up with incredible creative and hilarious stories!

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